
Showing posts from October, 2019

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

                                                     Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde                  Lazy afternoon, but had to work – to get that job done. Wanted to clean the attic as it was in a bad shape for quite some time. I sat down to clean and dust my books, which had accumulated on the cover and the room had caught a little mold, which gave a little stink probably because of the fungus that had grown all around it. I began dusting books one after the other , and the dust exposed many favorite stories of my childhood. While cleaning the attic, the heaviest stack of books just fell down in front of me and on the top of the books was the book that flashed like a jet through my memory and the book was “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”.          This book had one character who had different shades – a good person and a bad character. There was the good Doctor Jekyll, who was this good doctor who did his work of treating patients and also lived a good life, was a Catholic fulfilling al