Otis Redding

otis Redding Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

After a long hard day at work, I sat down on my computer to check my mail and keep in touch with what’s going on . The mixer buzzed on with pulp swirling around, and the teapot whistled the song of relief, after all the buzzing of activity of body and brain. The music station came up on the screen, and the music began to play.

Otis Redding.. the RJ introduced him and let the song play. The song played,"Sitting on the Dock of the bay" a blue’s song and as it played, it slowly started to the sink in the mind. I listened to the song, and had a sudden flash. After listening to the song, I got up and walked from home to the beach.

 This is the only place I could find where I felt I could think about the lines in this song. I never found the dock on the beach, but I did find some rocks. So I sat there, and let the breeze of the sea hit me. The beautiful morning chill had surrounded me, and I got to see the rising sun. So as I got comfortable, I started thinking about the song again, and how Otis redding through this song had connected to me. The lyrics of the song “sitting in the morning sun, I’ll be sitting when the evening come” is what a person like me, when disillusioned by the stress and the pressures of work and life come my way. Watching the ships go and the tides turn when you are completely down.

 When you have given a lot of effort and you’ve literally broken your bones of thought to get the results and what you get is an empty shell, that’s what you would do, sit on the dock of the bay. When the muscles of the mind don’t exercise the vigor that is required, and there’s that mental lifelessness. When you want to tell people how good it is, but the phones just bang down. All that effort, just in vain.The trumpets play on, but the mind ain’t strong.

 “ I can’t do what ten people tell me” is something that is similar for me.Can’t do what other people tell me, when other people come out their viewpoints it’s fine. But when they try to dominate, it gets irritating. And they have to be out back to their limits. I have my own way of thinking, and working and “So I guess I’ll remain the same” .

The breeze continues and the pores of my mind start opening, and the world seems like a better now.I can’t sit on the rock day and night, because it’s so good. Like a cradle of love, that rocks you to your senses. Can’t stay there forever, gotta get back to life.

 Thankfully, I have a leave, so for today I’ll just stay wasting time.When the lights are dim , and the sails are down, this is where I’ll come…. And hear Otis Redding play this song.


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