The pain of a father

          The pain of a Father

Every day brings a worry, and a worry or two always there is always around.People in their life get used to worries, as they are  kind of a routine in the day. But then there comes a time in life when we are hit by something more than a worry, something that is a higher level of pain – a tragedy. An accident or the death of a loved one, which is like a truck ramming us on the road.
Death comes to take all of us. It is a part of life, being the end cycle . Death comes at any time, like a thief stealing your soul in the night. All this information is read in books. But the world of books is not life, though is based on the experiences of life. In reality, a man and a woman marry and bear children. They rear their children to grow and then have children of their own,giving the parents the blessing of grandchildren.
However, destiny is not so kind ksometimes. As on a sudden rainy day, there is a phone call, a dreaded one in which the parents are informed of the news of their child…. being no more.
  The bells toll as the parents mourn their lost gold. They bring their son home. Normally it’s the father who does. With him go the siblings and the relatives as they bring the body home. The parents sit as they watch the cold lifeless body of their son who would light up their lives.
The funeral takes place the next day and their relatives join the parents in the mourning of their son. They walk towards the church with their child for the last time. The mother is uncontrollable and weeps for her child. Who can stop her? In a way her life has been taken from her.How can she bear the pain of losing the child she laboured for and brought up with all her love. She weeps continously for her child, expressing her grief all the time. She is letting her feelings flow out.
When the mass is over, the coffin starts to move to the graveyard. The father places a wreath on his sons body. A tear falls from his eye as he touches his son’s cold hands. So much promise and so much talent all lost in one unfortunate moment. So much was expected from him , from his family and the community. But now he was nno more and had gone to the other side, leaving them all. He was so beautiful and had blue eyes which were like the sky. Now he lay still just like the blue sky while his father carried him to the grave with the brown earth dug out. The father stays strong at this time, for his wife and children. A pair of dark shades cover his eyes, to hide the strife within him.
 The coffin is lowered into the grave, with the priest giving his blessings and saying the final prayers as the body is lowered into the grave and the father watches his son being handed over to God.Speechless and motionless he watches, as the flowers fall down on his son and the people begin to put sand to cover the grave.
When everything is over and the father to a quiet room to sit on a couch, he cannot stop the tears from falling. He cries aloud and beats his heart out. There is sadness and anger in him. All his emotions begin to roll out. He curses his luck and questions God but the answers remain wrapped in a mystery that anyone losing a loved one will never know.The pain the father suffers…… we would never know.


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