Good King Wenceslaus

                Good King Wenceslaus

       Wenceslaus is a king I always see who appears in the lives of people during 🎄 Christmas. He is a king buried in history a long long time ago. Though centuries have passed since he ceased to exist he still remains a memory, his remains still remain in the Church of Prague.

  His legend passing through the ages talks about him being a generous king of  a very good heart. He had a genuine concern for the poor, always giving alms and help to the poor. 

The story about him and his page braving the harsh cold of the winter to give a peasant food and drink. After sometime the page felt that he was going to die of the cold. Wenceslaus asked him to walk in his footsteps.  The page felt warmth while walking in his footsteps and they were able to complete the journey.

    The nature that we see of a Good Hearted King has originated from Wenceslaus. The story of him and the page is actually a Christmas Carol and is sung to this day. 

Wenceslaus was a leader always concerned for his people. But in today's time it's a different story. Today's leaders are directly abusing fighting , abusing and pulling each other down to the trash for a top seat or any ideological motives. They lie right in people's faces and change with the winds of time. Today we are in a phase where most of us are not even sure who we are voting for and what they will turn out to be. 

        A government which is supposed to take care of people now propagates it's own agenda and how people are subconsciously coerced into it. Even a virus like Corona could not make any difference as governments were fighting over personal ego issues rather than dealing with the main enemy that killed millions around the planet. 

     Good qualities in a leader are rare these days - even if they start out good, things change. As you wade in the muck,  the muck sticks to you. 

        We can look towards Wenceslaus as the Good King and hope to see a good King on earth. We already have Jesus,  the King of Heaven and Earth. But it's good to see a reflection of him in our lives -through our leaders. 

     Even when Wenceslaus brother killed him,  his last words were "May God forgive You".

   This Christmas let's sing his Carol to thank him for his wonderful spirit. 


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