Choosing the name

                                                                                    Choosing the Name

                          Waiting in the hospital, Peter was a little tense , but happy as well. The doctors had informed him that his wife was going to have a  baby. So he sat on the bench, and prayed for everthing to go fine. The look on his face communicated that he was going through some sort of labour himself. the tension converted to sweat on hisforehead.....
which moistened his skin, wrinking it a bit. He waited for the door to open, for some one to walk out..... there were just noises he heard inside. Finally, there was a creak, the door opened and the doctor came out. He walked  up to him , there was no expression on his face. As he looked at the tall doctor who stood in front of him, the doctors face lit up with a smile and he said "You're a father". Phew! A mixture of joy and releif came over his face, as the nurse haded the child over to him - a boy.

                The relatives came in some time. Everyone was happy, and celebrating . Yes!!! Happiness at last. Finally, some good news after a long wait. Peters face was beaming with joy, and he skipped in joy only to be stopped by the nurse. So the people calmed down and went off to celebrate while Peter stayed with his wife and child. His wife was to be discharge in a week, so after the hugging and kissing , they started discussing what was to be done next. HIs wife , though a little weak after the pregnancy , gave him a list of things to do, which he noted down. After that, it was time to leave as the nurses said he could not stay at the hospital . So he left, went home and partied with fanily and friends late in to the night.

     Next morning, he woke up , happy but with a hangover. He got him self ready and sat down on the desk to check what needed to be done. He went over the list of things and he came across one of the jobs for his son. As he was happy to be a father, he went to search for a name for his son.He wanted to get a good name for his son. so he started his laptop and went to sites searching for names for his kid. There were many sites that names and there was a big variety that he could write about. so he was searching for a good name. Peter had taken the day off from his workplace, as he wanted to spend some time with his wife, during this phase. And he was really releived about it, especially since he had been working hard for quite sometime and required a break. Also , it gave him the change from his daily routine, which he was pleased to change. He pulled out a name from the site - the name was John. John was a good name, he put it on his favorite list, and went to save it, ... but as he went to save it , he remembered somebody. A person he used to see in the alleys, as he passed by. A drug dealer - who made a living by selling crack to prostitutes, and young teens. The name was not saved. Peter continued searching for other names. He found another name - Richard. THis one looded fine. he selected it on the list and went on to proceed to search for others. As he proceeded to search he came across a website - with the name of  Richard Ramirez - a serial killer. Below his name were his trades - serial killer, rapist and burglar. Who would want such a name. Another name came up - Kevin, which caught his eye. Thats a good name,
especially good for his kid, but then how could that be?  Since Kevin was the name of the guy at the bar who though very gentle and calm in nature had shared a secret with him, that he was pornstar. he worked in the porn industry and was an agent to introduce girls to producers in the porn industry. He would not give his son that name. No! he wouldn't. The next name came up on the list - Patrick , the guy who stole goods from his company and was severe menace, Adam - the man who was a street thug who would injure people for money. Peters neighbourhood was not exactly a good one. He had been trying to get out from there to go to a better place , thats the reason he worked hard doing overtime so he could get something better for his wife and now, new -born child. But the probem was that he met these characters everyday - in his daily life, and somehow, it affected him. He did not like the locality, it affected him mentally . Things he had never grown up with were things he saw. People were rude and cheap, and unkind. They did not have basic courtesy and looked like they were raised as orphans. But he did his part by living and carrying on - carrying his cross, hoping to reach calvary and attain salvation. And then he got name - Allister. This name was great - the name of the local goon, who socialized with hookers, and ran an alcohol joint. These were the type of people he had to deal with - he was not too happy being around there. Imagine his world - people somking at every joint in the area around him, shabby places to walk through, and an atmosphere that wanted to make him puke. Because it was so unlike the places he had grown up in, and he hated being around those places. Scott was another name he found - an employee in his office sacked for passing personal information to customers. The smart, deceptive workers who are in a majority as there is no division in good and bad now. Earl - the local grocer, who mixed stones in rice, to increase profits. He went on searching through the books till the afternoon, but could not find a name for his son - a good name.
There was no one he could find to be an example - a good person. The world , to him, was a shit-hole as he had seen reality. So much Corruption and Crime !!!!!!!!!!!! where could he go?


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