The Undead ... who live as the Living Dead

                                                       Blood!!! Teeth sinking into your throat and the colours flowing all over your face. the vein blasts releasing  the crimson red as you gasp from the monstrous grasp and try everything to save yourself from the slimy half - burnt creature stuck in you throat leaving you gasping for breadth. That hate-filled creature giving you all his hate and pushing his venom inside your body, leaving you senseless till you finally master the strenght to fling him off your body ... and you cover your hand to stop the flowing feeling the blackness come over you .Fading, fading ... you wake to see the light again, but in a different way. The darkness is now your light ..... welcome to the world of the Undead.

      Werewolves, vampires, zombies..... all these people are the hollywood posters for the living dead who live their glorious lives on screen. Such creatures who live their glorious lives on the screen creating their mayhem and thrilling hearts by pounding them. in earlirt times, ther lived a writer in Europe named Bram stoker who was the creator of the famous Dracula - who scares our daylights on the screen today, and there are various inspirations and adaptations takens from him. Sitting in his house, he thought of an idea - an idea of men and then evil men. two different kinds of men - the normal good shining men and the evil corrupt men , the cunning and the schemers . these two men are the products of every time and century . Evil is always the first to always spreads its roots in the world. The schemers always start, they want to spread their poison to everyone they meet. At the same time, these men are focussed on a single aim - determined to suceed. And they go about bringing chaos and infecting the people with their attitude, in bad ways. Slimy as snakes, they deceive to acheive. All these creatures have one thing in common - they come out in the darkness and hate the light. Bram Stoker came from a European background which was Catholic at the time as he was Irish. So the thought could have also originated from his religion which ia slso mine. So I thought of a way he may have got the idea for Dracula. May not be the same way, but could be similiar. In the Bible, Jesus says:

"I am the vine, and you are the branches. If a man remain in me and I remain in him, he will bear much fruit"

Its only Jesus that ther is life for the Christian. Once he separates from the vine and loses his touch with Jesus, he will be nothing and the dark depression sets in him. That is what the vampires wail about in all the movies that they are bound to an eternity of misery. Ever seen a genuine corrupt man? He may or may not get what he wants. If he does, he is not happy as he wants more. If he does not , he lives in sadness till he gets it. The wailing of the undead  stems from the fact that they are not with the light and they are doomed in darkness. Hence, the sadness that they carry about, the dark cold on their faces which lacks emotion and does not feel warmth. The vampires feed on blood because blood is like life for them. Around the world, there are many cults who practise black magic. They use blood as a human sacrifice, and this blood is used to enhance their power. the concept may have been applied to Dracula as the blood of the living being life for the dead and is used to strenghten their power. The Undead could be also be referred to a state of living, wherin a person may be living a life where he does not live in a proper discipline or order due to which he suffers emotionally and in regret. He continues living, but is lost in purpose and does not breathe easily i.e mentally.

        The Zombies are a similiar state of life like the vampires. They are the competition for the vampires and the next breed of horror for hollywood. Unlike the vampires, they do not suck blood  and are not smart and deceptive, but their plus point is that they can attack anytime, be it night or day and they hound in groups. they have no affilition to any higher power, but are truly a definition of the living dead. Zombies normally come into existence and their concept is not based in religion, but in science. Their cause is based on a infectious disease based which comes through some foreign animal transported from some foreign source. Like a disease in the body, which goes on spreading and infecting cells, so is the case of the zombies. They are a big disease that stands in front of you in many bodies, ugly stinking bodies that want to tear you apart.

And then there are the werewolves, the fascinating horror breed - of wolf and man which is the poem that I read when I was a young kid and later a song by Mettallica. The tradition of being bitten - wonder what is in those monster teeth that
causes such a change. Tha snake, i would say is the primary inspiration for this as it sinks it fangs into its victims body to inject its venom.But incase of the werewolf it is different, but obvious. The dog is the inspiration for this concept, though sighting of werewolves have been talked off since the 16th century. The dog can infect a human with a disease called Rabies which can severe probems if not treated on time. Symptoms of this disease include acute movements, depression, fever and uncontrolled excitement and  which are the same behaviours exhibited by werewolves before they completely turn over into the beastly form. It is also said that in the final stages of  rabies, the person starts acting like a dog due to the symptoms.

      For the Undead, for a good majority of the time there are no cures. However, there are some movies that talk about a cure, but no attention is given to this part.Maybe that's the reason why these concepts keep going. Becausr if there were cures and vampires become normal, these films would cease to keep the excitement. The potter will want his pots to break so that people will come to buy pots again. So the grease and grime continues, an industry runs as dark hearts burn, ans the world of the Undead continues.


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