America - The Outsourcing Story

                                                       As I go through webpages and topicsd as to how the American Economy has been affected in a bad way, by the transfer  of business and manufacturing units to other countries, and also takeover of business by Asian Countries.

                                        Globalization, as it was called started in the Nineties when America wanted to expand its base to other countries and also effect the economy of other countries in a good way,  and perhaps some hidden ulterior motives. Mant things were great about outsourcing and they still are.Many Asian Countries prospered due to this.As I was from India, I did bnefit from this concept, so I am not completely against it.It was great and still is as we are able to enjoy a better lifestyle as compared to Indian companies who did not give much to live on.Our Parents had to go abroad
for good money and material benefits which were very rare in India. Companies that have opened base in India were companies we only saw on television. Now we see them round the corner . The business coming from America brought a great deal of change in our lives, as Information technology companies and call centres brought in a surge of  the Indian economy. There was the down side too, where there were odd hours of working and introduction to eating habits that were not health - beneficial.

     While this boom was happening in the Orient, there was the other problem. Jobs were getting shifted from the Europe and America due to which these contries had started facing economic problems. It was getting hard for them to livewas the cost of living had gone up and even jobs were getting tough in the economy. An Economic Nightmare as people in these countries started getting laid off by the thousands.

 Globalization had two directions -  the good one being to open up to countries in need and help them financially to give a standing to the economy. The other one was the direction of greed - an indirect form of colonization just like the British had in mind. The desire for acheiving targets , generating bigger profits, misguided ambition basically the wrong and the bad direction. It began with the good direction being taken where the Asian Countries profited , India and China being at the top ladder. There was a lot of outrage against India and China. We experienced  it on the calls,but the problem wasn't as grave before, but now it has escalated to what you call a "plague" , a plague to the American economy by the big rats of Capitalism  who have used globalization to their advantage, with their short sighted thinking.

      In Current times. America's middle class is the loser for now. There are millions of Americans people from the middle class , who have no jobs or jobs that pay them low salaries and are homeless . The good days of America are history with all the economy getting shifted to other countries . People  having good  qualifications are now forced to do odd jobs.People who are homeless are now staying in cars that they call homes. Times are tough in what was called the " Land of  Plenty" with the economy being in a slump zone.

     Now, the condition of the middle class is being brought about by the top layer of the classes, the business class is the one who is responsible for this condition. They are outsourcing all the business to the third world countries along with manufacturing units due to which the country is in big peril. Now with the millions being jobless and homeless everyone would concenterate on their basic needs which means there would be very less spending onn the country and
that would be the death of  Enterprise. That would shrink  business as since theres nothing to buy, there's nothing to be produced. The American minds are not using it right, as there are not only killing the future of their countrymen but also their own future. Striking their own legs as the eyes of greed blind them to their destruction. If there are no customers to purchase your goods, where are you going to sell them. Rush into third world countries and compete with local companies who have a better understanding of their markets.

     There was a time long ago, and the place was France when the nobles of Europe did something similiar in amassing huge fortunes for themselves and poverty ran throughout the nation of France, wher peoples lives were reduced to garbage and they drank sewer water to quench their thirst. This brought about the revolution that has gone down in history - The French Revolution where people revolted against the nobility and the elite. The same could be repeated in America with the rich being massacred in large numbers and their heads rolling off guillotines  due to their selfish deeds in a country where thewre is an unequal source of income where the rich are spending good times and the poor are clawing for morsels. Things could change in America at any time, maybe not currently but a spark is ignited in these times when this unequality is seen.

    But what would happen if the American businessmen come to know about it. But Maybe they already do know about it. Yes!!!!! I'm sure they do. Thats the reason they are spending billions of dollars for developing space vehicles and technologies so that when the time comes they are ready to leave to another planet and stay hidden conducting their businesses from space, like an urban rat operating from his hole. A perfect end to a short sighted American Bureaucrat.



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